Yerba mate is an earthy-flavoured naturally caffeinated drink brewed from the emerald-green leaves of a native species of holly tree, Ilex paraguariensis, found deep in the South American Atlantic rainforest.
Yerba mate has the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate, all in one beverage.
The leaves are harvested by yerbateros (cultivators) from small farms and indigenous communities in Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. After the leaves are dried and ground, a gourd is filled with mate leaves and hot water. Then the yerba mate is ready to be savored — preferably with friends.
“Our passion behind the creation of the Mateada was born from our very first sip of Nitro Mate, an infusion of nitrogen & brewed yerba mate.”
Nitrogen is tasteless, and odorless gas- a natural element in Earth’s atmosphere. Using pressure and a cold temperature, nitrogen can be infused into liquids to achieve an elevated flavour. Much like a nitro infused beer or nitro cold-brew coffee, the nitrogen removes bitterness from the flavour profile resulting in a smooth experience with a creamy mouthfeel.
Nitro infused mate contains 70% nitrogen and 30% carbon dioxide, creating very fine bubbles that can’t be achieved with just carbonation. Expect a fluffy white head and watch the bubbles slide down the side of your glass in a mesmerizing cascade.
A true wonder, it is unsweetened, containing no sugar – just yerba mate and nitrogen!